Hardship Fund updates
We are writing to you with some Hardship Fund updates. We have achieved so much together as a union, yet uncertainties remain. It is important for us to acknowledge the emotional and material hardship these uncertainties bring - it is both a happy and stressful time.
We Have a Tentative Agreement!
Late last night, we reached a Tentative Agreement with Columbia, a draft of which you can read here. See below for a detailed summary of major contract items.
Mediation at 2pm Today + Update on Last Night's Session
Last night, we came within inches of making an agreement with the University on a package. The University accepted our supposal of having full NLRB recognition and open shop with a four year contract duration. However, the University balked at our proposal to restore lost pay with make-up work, including withheld stipends.
Path to Resuming Work
Last night, Student Workers of Columbia came within inches of making an agreement with the University on a package. The University accepted our supposal of having full NLRB recognition and open shop with a four year contract duration. We are pleased that we were able to find acceptable, common ground on these core demands after months on strike and years in negotiation.
Update on Registration Holds
Thank you to everyone who completed our registration hold form last week, it yielded a lot of important information. We know that these are stressful times for all of us, and it is important to acknowledge the extra hardship that some of us are experiencing. The hardship fund, while not able to cover everyone’s needs in full, remains committed to prioritizing allocations based on need and urgency and our fundraising efforts are ongoing. We even started the week with a successful Twitch fundraiser where we raised over $4,000 thanks to the generosity of many streamers and supporters in the Twitch community and beyond.
Updates on Bargaining, GBM on Tuesday!
For those who missed it, we spent our NYE with the university back at the bargaining table. We began by offering Columbia a comprehensive package with significant movement in the key areas of union security and duration. After considering our offer, Columbia responded by presenting us with an option of two different supposals connecting union security and recognition…
Ringing in the New Year with a NYE bargaining session!
Tonight’s bargaining session was brief, but informative. We asked probing questions that brought us closer to understanding the university’s resistance to our latest counter proposal.
GBM at 5pm tonight!
Yesterday we returned to the mediation table, this time just with our mediator, Kevin. We reminded Kevin that we made substantial moves last week, meeting the university on almost every core issue with the exception of recognition. We will not compromise on full recognition of our unit. It is the university’s turn to make a move in response to our latest proposal and we hope we can have a substantive conversation about the issues that divide us in another joint session.
Week 9: Mediation, Events, Strike Funds
Tomorrow we return to the mediation table meeting primarily with Kevin at 4:30pm with a caucus at 4pm. Due to the timing of this session, our GBM will be at 5pm on Wednesday this week.
ALL workers need contract protections
SWC-UAW has agreed to compromise with Columbia on almost all outstanding issues (including dental and vision insurance, compensation, summer stipends, childcare subsidies, and ICE/NYPD off campus). Without recognition, which is the backbone of any agreement and is a cost-free amendment to the current proposal, we cannot move forward with accepting this package or ending the strike.
Myths from Mary Boyce, a Response
The demand for full recognition has remained a fundamental part of our negotiations with Columbia both before and after we entered mediation. Based on a unit-wide poll that identified recognition as one of the key priorities of the unit, the bargaining committee has repeatedly emphasized the centrality of this issue to Columbia’s team.
A Christmas Eve Mediation Recap
Last night we had a mediation marathon with the university, mediating from 4:00pm-11:30pm. The university came prepared with a counter-proposal. The package includes: post-doc language for real neutral arbitration, pay parity for Social Work and Mailman in year 1, stop the clock for parents, and 75% dental premiums for all PhD students (both on and off appointment). Crucially, Columbia left out the core demand for full recognition as defined by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which they agreed to in 2018. After several hours in caucus and in working groups, we voted on how to proceed, opting to go all in on recognition.
Slides from faculty town hall and updates on mediation
We were heartened by the strong attendance at the faculty town hall on Friday. Slides are available here. We’ve also added new info to the Q&A section based on our conversation on Friday. Please share.
Recap of a productive joint mediation session and another GBM (with voting!) tonight!
Yesterday’s mediation session was efficient, productive, and insightful. After a whirlwind weekend full of GBMs and working group meetings, we came to the session with a long list of questions for the University in the hopes that the answers would guide our next package drop. We had an engaging 2 ½ hours primarily talking directly with Deans Alonso and Kachani and left the session feeling optimistic.
Ho ho holiday pickets, jolly joint sessions, and our very own festival of illumination
Happy Monday! We hope you’re all staying safe, healthy, and warm. We have another thrilling week ahead as we traverse weeks 7 and 8 of our strike. We will be holding a joint session with the administration today from 10AM to 1PM. Join our caucus at 9:30AM.
Another Mediation Session AND Another Saturday GBM!
Today we met with our mediator, Kevin, for the second time this week, and went over the ideas for movement we voted on in a caucus yesterday. We learned that Kevin has not met with the University, despite the fact that faculty at today’s town hall indicated that the University told them they are willing to continue bargaining. We insisted that if Kevin is not going to communicate our questions and movement to the University, we will do it ourselves in a joint session.
Clarifying Negotiations between SWC and University
This past week the University released a newsletter to advertise its last proposal to the student workers union. Student workers have rejected their offer as insufficient in multiple meetings with hundreds of attendees, and through polling of thousands of union members. Despite this, the University has not engaged in moving forward with negotiations in a week, and doesn’t seem to be interested in resolving our collective crisis.
Last minute mediation postponed for tomorrow
Our mediator had an emergency issue so mediation today is cancelled and rescheduled for tomorrow at 1pm, with caucus starting at 11am. There will be a break from 12-1pm for panelists to attend the Faculty Town Hall and for the rest of us to have a lunch break!

Faculty Town Hall
Who: All Faculty and Staff
When: Friday, December 17, 12 noon
Where: Join us on Zoom at https://tinyurl.com/SWCFaculty