Our Strike Starts Today!

Student Workers of Columbia

Today we go on strike to get the contract we deserve! 

Yesterday, both Deans Alonso and Kachani were present at bargaining, where the university made hesitant gestures towards progress. After two and a half years of bargaining, Columbia made the most significant indication of progress yet seen on non-discrimination and harassment, indicating they would be open to discussing “some form” of neutral arbitration, though they refused to make a real proposal. The university also signaled they were open to discussing improvements to recognition, compensation, and health care benefits, but only if we agreed to enter into mediation. 

Though it took a new strike threat, we were glad to hear that the university is finally beginning to signal motion. However, it is far too soon to go to mediation when the university refuses to make definite moves, and merely hints at future changes. We made a meaningful compromise to cut the price tag of our proposal by tens of millions of dollars according to the university’s own costing analysis, yet we see no similar movement on their end.

Columbia has proven that it will take nothing less than a strike to bring them into our universe. We strike today to show Columbia that the unit is strong and united. Picketing will take place from 10 AM to 2 PM. We will gather for a cacerolazo rally (bring pots and pans and spoons to make noise) at 2 PM around the sundial. 

As you may have seen, the university is implementing its needless attestation and pay withholding system again, and has implied that stipends will be withheld along with wages. While we strongly disapprove of this heinous tactic, we want to emphasize the resources available to strikers. Strikers who sign up for UAW strike funds will receive $275 for each week of the strike (including an extra $275 for the week of Thanksgiving, if the strike lasts that long) if they spend 10 hours a week doing at least one of the following: joining the picket line or doing strike related activities including attending GBMs (there is one at 5 PM this Thursday), attending rallies, organizing meetings, and other strike-related committee work. Hours will be counted from Wednesday to Tuesday. Please email columbiagradunion@gmail.com for exceptions to strike hours. Sign up for in-person picketing here, and for digital picketing here.

In addition, if you anticipate experiencing significant financial hardship from the strike, apply to the hardship fund. (If you have questions about the hardship fund or the UAW strike fund, we have an FAQ.)

To ensure our strike is democratic and powerful, we will be holding a GBM every week starting next Thursday to vote whether or not to extend the strike by another week. 

Here are resources for all our members:

Communication with the Unit

Understanding our plans for a strike

Financial Assistance Funds

Resources on how to speak to faculty and students

Resources for IoRs

Resources for TAs

Resources for undergrad solidarity

Resources for Research Assistants

If you have any questions, or would like to help organize with us for the strike, talk to your department union point person, or contact us directly at gwc.bargaining@gmail.com 

If you have grievances related to your ability to strike or work conditions in general email: swc.grievances@gmail.com 


Strike Day 2: GBM At 5pm


Last Bargaining Session Before Strike Deadline