Strike Day 2: GBM At 5pm


After a successful and inspiring beginning of the strike we will also kick-off with a unit wide GBM today at 5pm! (link here)

We will go through the most recent developments in Bargaining and in our organizing and striking efforts. Come! Bring your ideas, thoughts and questions! Additionally, if you are a worker currently on strike, remember that attending a GBM counts as an online-picket activity and thus towards your strike pay. 

If anyone is having a difficult or uncomfortable experience talking with their boss, professor or advisor regarding their decision to go on strike, or if you feel you are facing retaliation for striking, please contact the Bargaining Committee! They are here to help you with best ways to approach the issue and promise complete anonymity while doing so. 

In solidarity,

Communications Committee


Last Minute Bargaining TODAY


Our Strike Starts Today!