Happy Thanksgiving! We’re In The New York Times!

Dear SWC,

We hope this email finds you and your loved ones well and safe, and that these days come with much needed rest and quality time with them. 

As you may have seen, we are currently the biggest strike in the United States! The pressure is working, as shown in our amazing press coverage, including the New York Times and Teen Vogue! This is unprecedented for our Union and is yet another sign that our strike is growing bigger and stronger each day. 

Here’s a PDF version if you’re hitting a paywall.

While we fight together for better living conditions for all student workers, the University has driven us even further into precarity by withholding our pay and stipends while on strike. We are struggling to pay our rent, buy groceries, and pay for our dependents’ care. In that sense, it is vital that our networks of solidarity get more robust, so we can keep fighting together. With the Thanksgiving holiday, we hoped you might show your family and friends the recent video about our strike from More Perfect Union, along with the New York Times and Teen Vogue articles, and share the link to our Hardship Fund. 

Ask your relatives to pass this around the dinner table 👇

This is the perfect time to talk with your friends and family about our struggle, show them our efforts and ask them to consider donating to our Hardship Fund (Even $5 donations help immensely!) Turkey and yams pair perfectly with a side of solidarity <3

If you celebrate, happy Thanksgiving! and if you don’t, we hope you get to enjoy a much needed break.

We are immensely grateful to each and every one of you for standing up for your colleagues and for your unyielding support.

In solidarity, 

Comm Comm 


Mediation Tomorrow! Hardship Fund Round 3 Application, And More


Poll Results: We Will Continue Striking.