Strike will kick off with Wed 10am picket. Plus 👀 we’re on Rachel Maddow.Edit Subject

Dear Friend,

SWC got national news coverage after hundreds of student workers and undergrad allies confronted PrezBo in his classroom yesterday afternoon.

Read the full coverage from Bwog and the Spec, and watch Maddow’s coverage here—the clip starts at 29:59. 

This is great news (literally!). People across the country have heard about our strike and want us to win a fair contract.

The next step is to hit our message home with a MASSIVE strike kickoff on Wednesday.

What does a strike kickoff mean?

  1. Stop any paid work 12:01am Tuesday night/Wednesday morning

  2. Join us on the picket line on college walk Wednesday at 10am. Bring your friends! Bring your class! All are welcome.

To support strikers in financial hardship, please circulate our hardship fund! (Note that we have previously raised around $110,000 in addition to the c. $30,000 in the fund.)

Columbia has less than a week left to negotiate a fair contract with us. Bargaining is happening today at 3pmcaucus at 2:30pm

Former member of the Bargaining Committee and student worker in the Sociology Department Dominic Walker gives a speech at the sundial 10/27/21.

See you on the picket line. 🪧 🦾

  • SWC Communications Committee


The Fight Begins


Bargaining TODAY And Strike Deadline NOV. 3