Strike Week: Bargaining Today

Hi Everyone,

It’s strike week! To kick things off, we have bargaining starting at 11 AM Monday 11/1 click here to join. The Bargaining Committee will have a caucus at 10:30 AM, click here to join.

Our strike begins November 3rd at 12:01 AM if the University continues to deny us a living wage, improved health benefits, and protections from discrimination and harassment. We encourage everyone to apply for the hardship fund (distinct from weekly UAW strike pay). In order to be eligible for UAW Strike Pay, you must participate in a minimum of 10 hours of strike activity per week. You must fill out the form by November 10

Learn more about the hardship fund: Hardship fund FAQ

Sign up for UAW Strike Pay: UAW Strike Pay Sign up form 

In solidarity, 

Communications Committee


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