Recap of a productive joint mediation session and another GBM (with voting!) tonight!

Hi everyone,

Yesterday’s mediation session was efficient, productive, and insightful. After a whirlwind weekend full of GBMs and working group meetings, we came to the session with a long list of questions for the University in the hopes that the answers would guide our next package drop. We had an engaging 2 ½ hours primarily talking directly with Deans Alonso and Kachani and left the session feeling optimistic.

We have two more joint sessions scheduled with Columbia this week: one on Wednesday that begins at 10:00am and one Thursday at 1:00pm. Caucus will begin at 9:30am and 12:30pm respectively. For Wednesday, the link for mediation is here and for caucus here.

As promised, we are only at the beginning of a marathon week. We have our second general body meeting tonight at 5:00pm where more voting will take place on the final package and language we send to Columbia on Wednesday. Join us tonight and make your voice heard.

You’ve probably already heard how much of a raving success our faculty town hall was last week. We agreed to distribute slides and notes from the session to ensure faculty/staff who weren’t able to be present still have access to all of the key information we shared. Find a template to send to the faculty/staff in your department here. There you will also find an invitation to another Faculty Town Hall taking place on Wednesday at 5:00pm (link).

We love seeing your faces and look forward to seeing you on the digital picket line, in working group meetings, and/or at the GBM. Each day we are closer to winning this contract. Lastly, we hope you’re staying healthy and safe through all of this and taking time to rest.

In solidarity,

Your bargaining committee


A Christmas Eve Mediation Recap


Ho ho holiday pickets, jolly joint sessions, and our very own festival of illumination