Poll To Continue Or End The Strike: Week Of Friday, November 26th.

Dear Student Workers of Columbia, 

We are at the third week of our strike. At this point, we need you to offer your opinion on the direction of the strike. This poll will determine whether or not the Union will initiate a secret ballot vote to end the strike at the end of this week. The poll asks if you think we should end the strike on Friday, November 26th, or if the strike should continue. The deadline for responding to this poll is tomorrow, November 24th at 5PM. 

An identical poll will be sent out every week for the duration of the strike. From this week onwards, the weekly poll will be sent out every Tuesday, and will close every Wednesday at 5PM. The broad results of the poll will be announced on Wednesday.

If a majority of student workers on appointment and on strike, AND a majority of those not on appointment and not striking vote to end the strike, we will conduct a secret ballot vote to end the strike starting the evening of Friday November 26th 5PM, and closing on the morning of  Sunday November 28th. The secret ballot vote is a binding vote that will end the strike if a simple majority of voters support doing so. 

The Process Committee, in consultation with the Organizing Committee, has developed this procedure for determining when the strike should be called to an end. The initial poll is in fulfillment of our by-laws, and the secret ballot vote meets the requirements of the UAW constitution. 

At this time, the Bargaining Committee recommends continuing the strike.

In Solidarity, 

Process Committee


Mediation Session Today!


GBM Today! Mediation Begins; Hardship Fund Round 2.