The Fight Begins
Over the two sessions of bargaining this past week, we got both promising news for the future of our movement and a stark reminder of the brutality of our fight.
Strike will kick off with Wed 10am picket. Plus 👀 we’re on Rachel Maddow.Edit Subject
SWC got national news coverage after hundreds of student workers and undergrad allies confronted PrezBo in his classroom yesterday afternoon.
Bargaining TODAY And Strike Deadline NOV. 3
At the General Body Meeting last night, membership voted to set a strike deadline for November 3. This means that Columbia has until then to meet our demands, otherwise we will start our strike.
TONIGHT, 6PM: Strike Start GBM
This is a reminder that we will have a virtual General Body Meeting tonight (Wednesday), 10/20 at 6 PM EDT. This is a crucial moment for us. We will decide on a strike deadline as Columbia continues to refuse to negotiate. We encourage everyone to attend and participate! Come and invite your fellow student workers!
Strike Start GBM
We will have a virtual General Body Meeting this coming Wednesday, 10/20 at 6 PM EDT. This is a crucial moment for us. We will decide on a strike deadline as Columbia continues to refuse to negotiate. We encourage everyone to attend and participate! Come and invite your fellow student workers!
Columbia pays their graduate student workers $5,500 to $18,000 below an annual living wage in NYC. Yet, they raised enough money in the past 5 Giving Days alone, a 5-day work week, to fund the entire cost of our union's proposal to provide workers with a living wage and adequate healthcare for the next three years.
Refusing to Counter Propose, Columbia Sticks to Rhetorics
Today’s bargaining session was an opportunity for the University to offer counter proposals to the package the BC dropped last week. Columbia did not present a single counter proposal. Instead, they opened with their usual monologue that the rejected TA already qualified as a compromise for the University.
Package dropped, the pressure is on Columbia
Today concluded the presentation of our new package of proposals to Columbia’s team. After discussing compensation and recognition a week ago, and healthcare last Tuesday, we presented our proposals concerning non-discrimination and harassment, as well as union dues.
Strike Vote Results and Package Drop at Bargaining Today
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Strike Authorization Vote -- we had a tremendous turn out and look forward to hearing everyone’s perspective at tonight’s town hall on building a strike plan.

Vote to Strike. Vote to Win.
We have hit a record number of first day votes in this Strike Authorization, and also for a voting period of this length. Our aim is to ensure high participation in this process.
Response to Provost Boyce
Provost Boyce fails to address the turmoil she has put student workers through by withholding nearly $8,000 from workers on 9-month appointments and failing to provide any accommodations for new parents and others with vulnerable family members who are expected to TA in person. Additionally, every worker received a 0% raise this year, shocking many first year students who were told to expect a higher salary than they will receive.

How to Vote in the SAV
Our strike authorization vote (SAV) opens today. A successful strike authorization vote (2/3rds of ballots cast) authorizes the bargaining committee to call a strike if Columbia fails to meet our demands at the bargaining table.

❗ Important: Bargaining and Strike Authorization Updates
After refusing to bargain with us for months, Columbia gave the team less than 24 hours notice to hold the first session today. Even so, over 100 unit members showed up to bargaining. It was clear to all that Columbia was poorly prepared to discuss either the re-opening plan or last-minute changes to stipend payments.
Important Stipend Credit Form (GSAS, GSAPP, SIPA, SEAS)
As you know, Columbia has changed its stipend payment method to withhold $7,780 from the initial fall payment for Teaching Fellows, Research Fellows, or Preceptors in GSAS, GSAPP, and SIPA, and Teaching Assistants in SEAS. You can use this form to get at least $2,000 of that money.

Happy Labor Day! When we fight, we win
We are celebrating Labor Day with the launch of our brand new website! In addition to a bold new look, this website contains a new FAQ on the Strike Authorization Vote, an updated list of working groups, our 2021 bargaining framework, a Google calendar of union events, and more!
Columbia Obstructs: We Plan a Strike
Columbia will not accede to our demands without a fight, and recent developments have made it clear that we must take action.