Statement Regarding University Safety after 12/8 Picket

We are heartened by the massive support we were shown yesterday by the campus and surrounding community. Hundreds of members from other unions and people from the wider community joined us in solidarity on the picket line at every campus entrance. The overwhelming majority of students, staff, and faculty were respectful of the picket line and enthusiastic in their solidarity. Faculty members cancelled dozens of classes. 

However, we are dismayed by official communications from the University administration ahead of the protest on campus yesterday that made claims about the potential for violence from strikers. The University provided little guidance regarding respectful treatment of picketers, which put members of the campus community at risk. 

We also noted many incidents in which peaceful picketers were shoved, grabbed, spat on, and cursed at. Many of these assaults were against women. An updated list of these incidents can be found here. Our unit was clear in its instructions to picketers to avoid any form of physical confrontation on the picket line. Legal observers from the National Lawyers’ Guild were present throughout the day and saw no issue with  picketers’ behavior. Major press outlets (including the NYTimes), as well as several New York-area politicians, were also present, and did not report on any instances of violence perpetrated by picketers. Every gate and picket captain respected our clear instructions for peaceful protest, and in no instance was violent behavior allowed or encouraged. Unit members were instructed to direct people towards specific gates to enter, and escorts were provided on all lines for people with mobility needs. Individuals with mobility issues were provided escorts at all gates. There was never a need to break through the picket line, as picketers informed passersby of unpicketed campus entrances.

SWC condemns the violent actions of anti-union individuals who sought to detract from the thousands of people who peacefully picketed yesterday against Columbia’s intransigence. We also condemn Columbia management for their emails prior to yesterday’s picket, which fomented a situation that gave individuals free rein to threaten, push, and assault peaceful picketers. 

Whether or not we are picketing, student workers are members of the Columbia community and deserve the same protections against violence as all members. However, instead of ensuring the safety of all its students, Columbia’s inflammatory statements encouraged the harassment of peaceful protestors by a minority of the campus and surrounding community.

We student workers, like all students, staff, and faculty, are an indispensable part of the University. We are seriously concerned that as  management becomes increasingly obsessed with monetary revenue, it is further alienating itself from the community, and violating student workers’ legal rights.

In this context, it becomes even more clear that student workers at Columbia cannot trust the administration to prioritize our safety and best interests, which is why we need a contract that protects us from abuse in our workplace. Our workers suffer material injury every day that we go without a contract. We cannot pay rent, feed ourselves or our families. 

We call on Columbia to investigate all instances of attacks on our members and supporters at the picket line. Finally, we call on management to accept our package proposal so we can go back to work with the protections and compensation we deserve.

Public Statement Sign-On Here


Two packages, Danny DeVito, and $26,500


SWC response to disinformation from Columbia University administration